
The book, Kongo Society in the Face of Portuguese Colonization, 1885 – 1961, by Professor Mbala Lussunzi Vita, will be launched Friday, May 21 at 4PM at the Angolan Writers Union and everybody is invited to attend. Professor Vita is an Angolan historian and scholar. 

The Congo culture in Angola today encompasses the provinces of Uíge, Zaire, and Cabinda. People from Uíge and Zaire provinces speak Kikongo and people from Cabinda speak Fiote. 

This writing is the result of university cooperation between Angola and France and was financed by the French Embassy in Angola. Alliance Français is hosting this event.

Book launch.

Dr. Tim Kubacki is a medical mission doctor based in the small isolated village of Cavango in the province of Cuando Cubango in Angola. “Bush medicine is essentially learning to practice among the severely impoverished in a very low-resource setting,” he says.

Mornings, patients and their accompanying family members arrive for the daily morning talk about improving physical and spiritual health.

“We are in the heart of malaria season, treating many cases daily. One great encouragement this year is the small number of life-threatening cases and deaths compared to other years, and the rare number arriving with symptoms lasting longer than three days. This is the fruit of years of public health instruction, and the population recognizing the prompt recovery for those who seek treatment, and the trust that has developed in our care.”

Evenings, many accompanying family members sleep on the ground by an open fire, as do some patients.
This man is 99 years old and sought our help for back pain from working in his field…
This beautiful girl is on her way home after returning with Mission Aviation Fellowship (transport by air) from CEML (a well-equipped mission hospital in Lubango) and life-saving surgery to repair an intestinal perforation secondary to typhoid.

Read Dr. Tim’s recent blog post here about how he confronts the challenges of treating patients in rural Angola. All images courtesy Dr. Tim’s blog.

A team of 45 researchers has brought together all that is known on Angola’s biodiversity in a free book, Biodiversity of Angola – Science & Conservation: A Modern Synthesis (2019, editors: Brian J. Huntley, Vladimir Russo, Fernanda Lages, Nuno Ferrand), an open access multi-authored book that presents a ‘state of the science’ synthesis of knowledge on the biodiversity of Angola. The book identifies Angola as one of the most biologically diverse countries in Africa, but notes that its fauna, flora, habitats and the processes that drive the dynamics of its ecosystems are still very poorly researched and documented.

The above images from the book are an example of woodlands converted by repeated hot fires into shrub lands in Bicuar National Park, Angola. These satellite images from Google Earth were taken between 1984 and 2016. The red line marks the western border of Bicuar National Park. Courtesy Biodiversity of Angola (chapter title: Landscape Changes in Angola).

Click here to download the book (420 page PDF). 

The Hyaena Specialist Group is looking for reliable observations of aardwolf, brown hyaena and spotted hyaena in Angola to determine their current conservation status and distribution. This is an ongoing worldwide data call.

If you have information, please supply your observations in the Excel sheet (download here) so that it is easier to integrate your observations into the project’s overall database, however all information will be accepted in whatever form and format is available for you.

Click here for a grid map of Angola where you can mark in which grid cell you have observed one of these hyaena or aardwolf and when. Any additional information is welcome so as to improve the quality and reliability of the new species distribution maps.

Please send your information or any related questions that you have to Dr. Florian Weise at the Ongava Research Centre in Namibia: fw@ongava.com and follow the Hyaena Specialist Group Facebook page here for updates.

Dr. Tim Kubacki is a medical mission doctor who has been serving rural Angola since 2012. He talks about COVID and how the media sensationalism surrounding it has raised questions and fears even in the small rural community that his clinic and hospital serve in Cavango in the central part of Angola.

Cavango health care facility staff meeting (half of the room only).

People in rural Angola are severely afraid and shouldn’t be. They face far more dangerous killers every day, which, for them, have no treatment (malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea, TB, HIV, hepatitis, meningitis, childbirth deaths, measles, heart failure, asthma, etc) and do not fear them. But with these other illnesses, they don’t have the media constantly in their face, as they do with COVID, screaming,“Be afraid!”

Young boy with skin TB treated at the Cavango hospital.

A critical teen with TB, pneumonia and malaria hospitalized.

Young pregnant 23-year-old woman came to clinic suffering from disseminated TB, severe malnourishment and new onset diabetes.

Read Dr. Tim’s blog post about COVID and sensationalism here.

Luanda is Celebrating its 444th Birthday! Here are two special events you can attend – a free photo exhibition and a music concert that will take you back to the roots of popular Angolan instrumental music. Alliance Francaise invites you…

Exposição “Boda no meu Kubiko” de Ngoi Salucombo: O fotógrafo angolano Ngoi Salucombo apresenta no dia 24 de Janeiro de 2020 as 18:30 na Casa Rede a exposição BODA NO MEU KUBIKO. É uma exposição fotográfica que apresentar-se como uma mostra em live performance, com a finalidade de expor uma visão o mais próximo da realidade, a vivencia de uma família num prédio situado no centro de Luanda. A exposição ficará aberta ao público de 24 de Janeiro a 24 de Fevereiro de 2020, na Casa Rede, Avenida Hoji Ya Henda (antiga Avenida Brasil), nº47, 6º andar. Entrada grátis.

1º Concerto de Música Popular Urbana Angolana Instrumental – O evento terá lugar no dia 25 de Janeiro de 2020, pelas 18h00, no palco do Clube Naval de Luanda, e contará com a participação de uma «elite» de artistas de uma geração vanguardista da música popular urbana angolana de raiz, entre os quais se destacam os solistas, que vão revisitar o grande legado de exímios executantes da música instrumental de Angola.

A DISCO DE VINIL,LDA, mentora e conceptora do Projecto Memória Patrimonial do Cancioneiro Angolano — no âmbito do qual se irá realizar o I.º Concerto de Música Popular Urbana Angolana Instrumental —, é uma editora em fase de construção que vai dedicar todo o seu esforço na pesquisa, promoção e produção da música angolana de raiz, com maior incidência para o Semba, género musical do qual a DISCO DE VINIL, LDA será a sua porta-bandeira. Ingresso : 10.000 Kz. Venda de ingressos no Chá de Caxinde. Tel : 927 75 75 35 / 990 75 75 35.

Dr. Tim Kubacki writes about the drought he sees in SE Angola while working in the province of Cuando Cubango. He’s a medical mission doctor who has been serving rural Angola since 2012, we wrote about him here.

Patients in line waiting to see Dr. Tim.

“We were dropped off by MAF [Mission Aviation Fellowship] pilot Marijn, who has been making food flights for the past months to this region to try to make a dent in the famine. He was accompanied by a man from National Geographic who had just driven up to this part of Angola through Botswana, from South Africa. He’s been traveling this region of Africa since he was a kid, some 40 years ago, and he said he has never seen a drought this bad in Botswana, Namibia and Angola. He passed carcasses of elephants, Oryx, Kudu, Hippos and much more. He said every time he stopped and stepped outside of his car, he smelled death on the wind. He said the Oryx are so hardy and he has never seen one starve to death and on this trip he saw many Oryx carcasses.”

Sacks of corn and medical boxes off-loaded in Jamba, Cuando Cubango.

“I’ve seen many patients (perhaps the majority) with heart rates over 100 with complaints of generalized weakness and pain. I’ve smelled ketosis on the breath of so many. Virtually everyone is markedly dehydrated. I gave a talk on nutrition during famine one morning before clinic and one woman spoke up while virtually everyone nodded in agreement when she said, “We just don’t have food.” Almost everyone I saw this week in Rivungo [a town in Cuando Cubango] is in a state of mild to severe starvation.”

After the sacks of corn are loaded from plane to car, every kernel is picked up.

See Dr. Tim’s blog with photos at: kubackisinangola.com

Download the 2018 Annual Report of the Angolan Association for Birds and Nature (Associação Angolana Para Aves e Natureza), in English with a brief summary in Portuguese, compiled by Michael Mills, on bird conservation and research activities in Angola. Click here to download the six-page PDF.

Visit this website’s Birds page here to read more materials about birds in Angola, including past annual reports by the Angolan Association for Birds and Nature.

Now available online, South West Angola: a portrait of land and life, click here to download a PDF of the book. This is the most informative book published to date about southwest Angola, covering the provinces of Namibe, Cunene and Huíla, written in both English and Portuguese, by the Namibian father-daughter team of John and Stephie Mendelsohn.

This comprehensive book brims with images, maps, graphs and charts that capture the faces, spaces and places of the great open landscapes that makes up Southwest Angola, like this magnificent tree, purported to be the world’s largest baobab, which grows north of Xangongo.


Cavango clinic/hospital.

Dr. Tim Kubacki is a medical mission doctor who has been serving rural Angola since 2012.

He is based in Cavango, “a small, rural village of about 500 people that was a mission village before 1976, especially housing and treating people with Leprosy. In 1976, all 250 Lepers were slaughtered during the civil war and the villagers scattered, many walking with a group of more than 5000 people on a pilgrimage to a refugee camp in Zambia (a nine month trek through the wilderness) until the war ended in 2002. The people of Cavango and those in the surrounding villages have since begun to repopulate the area and continue to live simply, in simple stick and mud homes with grass roofs, without electricity and running water, via subsistence living, farming by hand and raising animals for food. Many in the village have never been to the city as transportation is mainly by foot (about a week’s walk to the closest city).”

Dr. Tim regularly travels by air with Mission Aviation Fellowship Angola (MAF) to remote communities that have no access to health care. Around Cavango his clinic has placed motorbike trailers in villages to bring in unconscious patients.

Village ambulance with patient inside arriving at the clinic.

See his blog with photos at kubackisinangola.com

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