The Hyaena Specialist Group is looking for reliable observations of aardwolf, brown hyaena and spotted hyaena in Angola to determine their current conservation status and distribution. This is an ongoing worldwide data call.

If you have information, please supply your observations in the Excel sheet (download here) so that it is easier to integrate your observations into the project’s overall database, however all information will be accepted in whatever form and format is available for you.

Click here for a grid map of Angola where you can mark in which grid cell you have observed one of these hyaena or aardwolf and when. Any additional information is welcome so as to improve the quality and reliability of the new species distribution maps.

Please send your information or any related questions that you have to Dr. Florian Weise at the Ongava Research Centre in Namibia: and follow the Hyaena Specialist Group Facebook page here for updates.