American writer Paul Theroux presenting to the Angola Field Group. Photo by M. Vieira.

A crowd of about 200 fans of Paul Theroux listened as the well known travel writer talked to the Angola Field Group about being a writer and his impressions of Angola. Mr. Theroux crossed the hectic border from Namibia to Angola on foot and then hopped a bus to travel overland with Luanda his final destination. Much of this country reminds him of the Africa of 40 years ago with people living in grass huts and walking to their fields to work their fields. He emphasized that there is hardly anything written about Angola, at least in English, and so during the Q & A, he asked Angola Field Group members to tell him something interesting about Angola. Will he write a book about this country?  While he finds Angola interesting, he said there is much yet to learn about the country. Also it is an expensive country and no editor in New York City could afford the airfare to have a journalist come and spend time researching a story, according to Mr. Theroux. From Luanda Mr. Theroux flew home to Hawaii to join his wife and tend his bees.

Mr. Theroux meets the Disciples. Photo by H. Koning.

The Disciple singers impressed us with their music. Call 925-298753 if you want them to sing at your event. Photo by M. Vieira

Paul Theroux is coming to Luanda! The Angola Field Group invites you to An Evening with Paul Theroux the well known American novelist and travel writer, Thursday 10 November at 8:00 PM. The author of over a dozen novels, six travel books and countless travel articles, Theroux is presently driving through Angola and will talk about his writing, traveling and his impressions of this country. Maybe Angola will be the topic of his next book?! Join us this Thursday for an outstanding opportunity to meet this author, one of the foremost travel writers in the world today.

Everybody is welcome to attend this evening. In close cooperation with the Viking Club, the event is offered free of charge. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and snacks are sold at the bar, coupons must be purchased. The Viking Bar opens at 7:30 PM. If you would like to have a map showing the location of the Club, click here. The Viking Club is on the main floor of Predio Maianaga, Rua Marien N”Guabi, No 118, across the street from the newest Panela de Barra restaurant.

The American travel writer and novelist Paul Theroux (Waldo, The Great Railway Bazaar, The Mosquito Coast, The White Man’s Burden amongst others) will be giving a presentation to the Angola Field Group on Thursday, November 10 at 8 pm. Details will be posted here soon.

Paul Theroux.