Duarte is back! Duarte está de volta!

Duarte is back! Duarte está de volta!

“We had several good developments in Cangandala. Firstly, and quite unexpectedly, old Duarte not only survived but made a sensational recovery. Only a few weeks after we had left him in shocking condition, we found him in great shape and looking after his girls.”

The sable bull carcass; A carcassa da palanca morta.

The sable bull carcass; A carcassa da palanca morta.

“If things went smoothly in Cangandala, it was however very different in Luando Reserve where poaching seems to be rampant, and we were faced with a number of shocking cases to illustrate this, in spite of the desperate efforts from the giant sable shepherds. Two shepherds on patrol were shot at by poachers and on a second occasion managed to apprehend a rifle, as the poacher escaped and left the weapon behind. Plenty of snare traps are being found and dismantled on a regular basis, but arguably the most shocking incident was when, during a routine patrol, the shepherds found a dead body of a freshly killed giant sable bull.”

Visit our Giant Sable page to read biologist Pedro Vaz Pinto’s Fourth Trimester 2012 Report with photos from Angola’s Cangandala Park, in English and Portuguese.